This desire for order significantly influences social behavior, often driving conformity, choices of leaders, social hierarchy, decision-making and norm enforcement:
Conformity: The need for order often leads individuals to conform to social norms and expectations. Conforming to established rules and behaviors helps maintain order within a group or society. When individuals feel a strong desire for order, they may conform to social norms even if they personally disagree, in order to avoid conflict or maintain harmony within the group.
Authority and Leadership: The desire for order often translates into a preference for strong leadership and authority figures. People look to leaders who can establish order, provide structure, and guide the group towards common goals. Authoritative figures who project a sense of control and offer clear directives tend to be influential in shaping social behavior.
Social Hierarchies: The need for order can contribute to the establishment and maintenance of social hierarchies. Hierarchies provide a clear structure and order within a group or society, with individuals occupying different positions of power and influence. The desire for order can lead individuals to accept and even support these hierarchical structures, as they offer a sense of stability and predictability.
Influence on Decision-Making: The desire for order can influence decision-making processes within social groups. When faced with complex or uncertain situations, individuals may seek order and structure by relying on established norms, guidelines, or authorities. This can result in a bias towards maintaining the status quo and resisting change, as deviations from established order can be seen as disruptive or threatening.
Social Control and Norm Enforcement: The need for order drives individuals to participate in social control and norm enforcement. People are often motivated to maintain order within their social groups by monitoring and regulating the behavior of others. This can involve sanctions, social pressure, or even exclusion of individuals who deviate from established norms. By enforcing order, individuals seek to preserve the stability and coherence of the group.
Influence on Social Institutions: The desire for order influences the creation and functioning of social institutions. Institutions such as governments, legal systems, educational institutions, and religious organizations are often established to provide structure and order within society. These institutions shape social behavior and exert influence by setting rules, norms, and standards that guide individuals' actions and interactions.